Film and Media Studies Senior Capstone Presentations
Saturday, December 5, 2020
9:00-9:10 Welcome
Panel 1: Personal is Political
9:10- 10:50
Alexandra Diaz, Fatima Haidari, Otis Thrasher, and Jonathan Arrington.
Panel 2: Visualizing Mental Health
Anthony Orlando, Sang-Hee Park, and Hutch Hutchinson.
Lunch: 12:15-12:45
Panel 3: Politics of Identity
Richard Ffrench, Kaitlin McNamara, and Deval Wilson.
Panel 4: Imaging Psychologies
Rosemarie McDonald, Edgar Dacto, and Nicolás Cadby.
Panel 5: Theorizing Media
Audrey Hannigan, Gabriel Hershewe, and Nolan Jacobs
Closing 4:50-5:10