FAMS Series Fest – Fall 2019 September
FAMS Series Fest – Fall 2019 November
FAMS Student Showcase Spring 2020
Virtual showcase displays student filmmaking talent
A boyfriend invited to dinner who must be a dog person.
A flashlight streaking across a film scanner.
A series of still life images narrated by a dad’s voicemails to his daughter.
This year’s Film and Media Studies (FAMS) showcase, while virtual, displays the deep range of talent of student filmmakers whether through comedy, interview, or avant garde.
The work comes from a spectrum of classes taught by several professors including Katherine Groo, Dennis Johannssen, Adam MacHose, Nandini Sikand, and Drew Swedberg.
“The showcase represents some of the best work completed by FAMS students, from those entering the major to graduating seniors. These are projects that were completed under the obstruction of remote learning and a sudden dislocation ” says Sikand, associate professor and FAMS program chair.
The program graduated 17 students this academic year: Brandon Beckford, Andrea Bonilla, Adam Bramson, Alexis Brugler, Olivia Coughlin, Hannah Koch, Tre Jordan, Rhonea Long, Katie McDonald, Will Murdoch, Evan Poe, Gabriel Salgado, Tyler Sehring, Jordan Thaler, Peter Torrente, Jordie Werner, and Randy Zhou.
So grab a big bowl of popcorn and enjoy watching some student films.